30 JUNE 2009
Changed of destinationFrom east coast to pasirris, running out of time
So, 1 shop closed so we had to walk a long way to another shop. Sinya brought her skates
Nice day skating, everyone skated except kbz and jun cycled
Huiting fell uncountable times, joyce and i fell once. My fault cuz I was like acting bigbang cuz they skated in their music video,then i wanted to jump over a fucking thing and i wobbled and fell. Been long since i fell and hurt myself
Joyce hurt her ass and I hurt my elbow and knee, elbow got a awesome orcheh now i love it
Its the biggest orcheh I ever had :) But still lose to cht
Night to chompchomp for dinner, met some of the guys
Kbz birthday cake was my pathetic apple crumble
Thkz for those who brought and made stuff too!
I'll be back for skating once my injuries heal