Had unsure plans today,but watched bolt-3D in the end with brother and kangxi.Mom and aunty was there
Emorine asked me out to watch bolt on that day but I didnt go with them. She didnt tell me its joyce birthday!! AHAHA I see yujun blog then I knowwwwwwwwwww
I saw them at ps coincidentally hahahahaha :D
Bolt was okay,hamster so funny LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL & bolt is so cuddly GOD!!
But I think bolt is john travolta's voice?? no thanks
HAHAH something funny happened,we were eating at 'shilin' kinda place eating crispy chicken.Then got one man,with his friend.Talk so fast.Me and my mom laugh,then she say he can be teacher cuz he talks very fast.But I laughed because he was actually stut stut.. stut... stutterrr... stutttering.. AHAHAh!! so funny,then for a good 15minutes we were laughin over it. After that become immune liao.With my mother damn paiseh