I saw a carlo rino bag which is pretty!!But mom didnt want to buy for me cuz of my tuition -.-
Its veh nice,but its white which is easily dirtied..
NICE LEH!!! >:O Its on discount and airport price is cheaper
Bought glora jeans cheesecake home :D
Welcome back dad!! No more computers on weekdays,sianZ
Thursday playing bball and 'tennis'
I look more like my dad,xialan face
Today is veh cold,i wore jacket. Still wearing now,grrrrrrrrr
Woah mom's eye so big man.. HAAHAHAH!
All these cost 100$ singapore. Can you believe it
Angmoh countries stuff are F expensive!!!
My hair looks long here.HAHAHAH! WOAH WOAH
No lah its a deceiving picca.But my face is dam ugLY