This week passed fcuffing fast.Almost 10 weeks of school is over and that is so FAST.I don't want to grow old and stop growing taller.CA results had some failures but i got the hang of poa already :) Went cityhall and walk walk,went for korean class at 7.Peninsula Plaza is very creepy lah,but the korean teacher is so cute,she is korean and her name is Park Chong Ang(i think).So cool i want the surname PARK or KIM.Her english is not very good but she can write eng and chinese pretty well.The lesson lasted a long 2 and a half hours,ended at 9.30.Went home then. Today is a leap year and its only once in 4 years :)
He really surprises us every week with his song.he IS the next american idol already lor,love him.It's weird everyday,just feels weird. March hols are coming and so is the camp,looking forward to it but i don't know who's going to be in my group,its not class bonding but a level bonding >:O DAVID ARCHULETA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Don't like jiongxun during fnn,stupid cheebae.Nothing much happened this days,its getting so standard.Don't know what drama to watch,very boring.This korean song is nice and soothing,HAHA but i don't know wtf is nagae ma.If nothing goes wrong,i'll be having my first korean lesson on fri :) with pris
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Went to the temple to pray for granddad then taka for like 30minutes. I ate churros and churros is very very delicious!I finally knew where it was after years of mommy buying back for me.It's at taka diary queen' there.
HAAHHAHA 36 seconds very funny.I think he look like Zac Efron but more handsome!
Friday, February 22, 2008
I came across a nice vid.Don't know if it's a drama or not leh.. Anyway,went to jun's house after school today and 1 hour of waiting for both of them.Jun's ahma is so cute cos she kept offering us food,haha laughed a lot
Watched 'The Warlords' on Saturday.Had some dinner at night in rvps.. Amanda came over on saturday and bought a new phone.At night went to melissa's house,did not gamble because there was no space to even gamble lor.Ate a lot of mussles,haha her father's mussles rock.That time i was telling her 'Your fathers mussles very nice' HAHAAHA they heard wrongly,funny..Went home around 10plus,they stayed in bukit batok man..
Today had f&n and cooked roasted chicken,raw chickens are so disgusting..Prissy introduced to me a japanese anime,i sweared never to watch anime but this is funny.It is very perverted,hahahahahahahah,pris! Me and melissa Mussles,haha.. Me and girl,she has a very sweet smile Beside her i got fat face Mommy
Woke up at 5plus because jun replied my sms,haha!Then i couldnt sleep already,used the computer.Went to cp for macs but i was a little late so sean did not treat me to hot cakes.Then he gave me money to buy but i bought it myself,so mean..The trip was okay,saw many gorgeous houses.Its fucking gorgeous man,nicest house i've seen.Took a lot of group photo's,waiting for some of them to sent me. We are all very very tired Some ring.Peranakan stuffs are very pretty. Ate this.I like their otah Blur Bye
Meet them once every year,and everytime we see each other we change.Wasnt so open last time but this year talked the most and snapped our first picture together!Ate talked gambled from 7 till 11. This is my extra large lolli from crystal =) JJ ME MELISSA,Going melissa's house on sunday but jj's not coming I smile weird Ah my face sucks but nvm Zhao qi is so cute,haha! HAHA SPASTIC! Had a great time!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines! I celebrated with prissy,alone heh..Jajungmian was horrible cos' the korean instruction translation is horrible.Still ate but bought more things to eat.Watched Meangirls and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen,been long since i watched it.I think Meangirls is still the best show ever.Now i want to watch 'JUNO',its in the cinemas now but it's nc16. Like what i said,i gave melvin hello kitty sweets but rayner told me he threw it away cos' he thinks it taste disgusting.Idiot.. Kenneth finally came back after 3 days of being sick,made me sit alone for 3 days.Not really,cos i will sit with weiqing and yujun.Ate so many sweets and chocolates like crazy..
15 Feb Today we had schoo till 10.30 cause school was celebrating their good results.Persuaded pris to go out to kovan with me like crazy cos she had to go home.Finally she did,along with yujun and huiting.Went to the factory warehouse,not opened yet so prissy went back home and the rest of us continued waiting for it to open.Bought a pullover and a dress in total. Going to bai nian later at night,gambling! I think i'm very nice already lor.. Haha instant noodles Can you see rain
Yesterday went roaming around cp with prissy.I prefer going out with her alone,i don't like big groups.Laughed more than usual because i realize we are now very stone.Valentines tomorrow and i decided to cook jajungmian,my first time cooking and eating.It's going to be very easy to cook.But i don't know about tomorrows plans because i can't stand some people tagging along..Found a home coaching korean teacher in the newspapers but it is very expensive,hope to learn korean soon =)
This is my 604th post.Today we had f&n and we cooked very lame mayonnaise and nice spring rolls.I'm going to cook it again cos it was good.I hate jiong xun,i really do.. Valentines in 3 days,melvin is my mortal and i'm going to give him a hello kitty sweet.Suppose to go out tomorrow with my primary school clique but they are all so not cooperative that i want to boil them.. I am not a lonely valentine cos all my friends are unattached,prissy is so cute she is preparing bento sets.I havent bought anything,think i'll just give them a kiss
CHU ER,went to my aunty's house.Ate a lot and shiao mei made me spill my soup on myself,smelled like soup for the whole day. Went to my dad's oldest sister house because we were nearby.Realized i fcuffing left my handphone at my aunty's house.Went there and realized i had nieces and nephews older than me,one of them scored 7 points for their o's. Went back home and had steamboat(AGAIN) at the clubhouse with my dad's friends.
This is a chore Lou hei duno how many times already! This is not gambling loh.. Not fun My mom said these golden bangles are frm my grandmother to her during her wedding
CHU SAN, went to aunty soh's house in the morning.Had lunch,waited for her relatives to come and gamble.Yes,finally gambled!Did not win or lose but it was fun.All of them were rich and clever,one goes to melbourne to study,one goes to RJC and one scored 3 points for o's,inhumane lah! Then went to amanda lim's house for the whole day,lost a lot at first then managed to recoup a little more,lost 18 bucks in total.Aunty came and got my phone back! Her friends came and all of them were so skinny and pretty,okay lah most of them.Left around 9 cos' stupid dad wanted to go to Uncle Jame's house,played pool in his house then went home around 10.
Very fcuffing tired.But it was good because I could fall asleep without rolling in my bed for hours.