no more =))
found it sooo fun once again!
Starting as a noobie..Catching up with the rest lvl's
Fighting Snails,Haha Cute
noobie archer with no armour.
thats jakkaphong and leonard!
yay i transformed into a archer with armour
we went orbis to create a guild!
"MoleFamily" =)))
Thats all of us !
Now for the human pictures
Its Raining,Its Pouring..
The old men'snoring...
I seldom post pictures of myself alone
Its candid with exlarging EYES O.O
Well Went Swimming with My Darling today
She's taller and skinnier than me,ohwell cant help it
Efforts are wasted with Mcflurry
Dad saw my results
As pernormal,He ticked me off..
Not really ticked,he's kindaaa crazeeee..
Mom is sooo disappointed
I dont want to disappoint them any longer
Im gonna study hard!
My english passed,50.
Chinese,Maths,Science,Geog failed
What's wrong with me..What am i doing?