Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wed met odelia,shane and ashley at campfire
didnt stay long there,ashley ate sakae then they came over to my place ,they left at nine . odelia is damnn gothic .

Yesterday ,went school to collect report book.
my results sucked , borderline and more borderline ..
Langarts - 58.3
Chinese - 51
Math - 53.6
Science - 52.6
Geog - 60.1
History - 56
Homeecon - 63
Project - 63
Arts - 60.2
&my position is 21/39
went cp for a lil while and met pris .
all went home , i followed prisback home first then to my house with dunrong .
met the rest at 12pm at cp , huiting couldnt make it =( hai ..
then went off , ice skated for 3 whole smooth hours ..
dunrong didnt skate,he went to play arcade ..
took neos , longjohned there and headed back .
i went kovan to look for my parents ..

i have many people to meet this holiday . 6d friends , xueer&chuxuan , chuling and amandaaaaaaaaaa ..