**yaWns** , i woke up at 830 . its always around that time .. why can people wake up in the evening while i , early in the morning . which causes the panda eyes . urghh .. & now im having darn ulcers . thankfully , my fever has recovered (: , a bit left though . however ive decided to stay at home today to hui fu jian kang .
& the american bush is in singapore ! -.- josh bush luhs .heard from pris that RAIN's most expensive ticket has been sold . * coughs * * coughs * ..
its 888bucks please !! even the cheapest is 188bucks . & the advertisment for his concert jus came out , but the most expensive tickets are sold out , arghh =(
had been having dreams at nite recently , lols . yesterday was i was on a ship with my family , then suddenly saw sealions -.- and dolphins .. wanted to use my hp to take pictures then it was with my brother . but he didnt want to give it to me then started fighting then my dad threw it in the sea . LOL , then i jumped in to pick it up . and it still worked , then i woke up xD .. lame dream
then today i dreamt i saw RAIN !! wee lyk so real . then i took a picture of him from afar ,after tt went back to my dad car .. and found out tt my memory no space . zZz .. really no fate ma ? lols then i woke up .
dreams seems so real . &today dear going malaysia liao siah , sian .. cannot contact him for 3 days ? yeah 3days .. sad sad