okays , today was like damn boring
was being forced to wake up and go to my uncle there
but nvm , hegave me 10bucks (:
only 10bucks but its money
forgot go where
then go home
slept awhile ..
used com , blahblah ~
then went punggol marina
punggol marina was its EX-name
now duno called wad sai ..
waited for the emperor and empress to come
my uncle and his friends
then finally ~
ate dinner
ate a lot actually
but i still can eat cookies from the nestle thingy
yyumm , but not as nice as famous amos =D
its holiday already
2months ..
do wad ? boring lah
and now , im hungry again
pictures of ytday still annot be posted due to the fook-iness of this computer
tata (: