This year I had a very special feeling. The feeling of looking at someone and thinking , who are you? Who were you? Did I exactly know you? It’s such a weird feeling because the true friendships and valued people in my life had always stayed with me. I guess things evolve as we grow older, things simply change. And me as a 24 ish 25 year old, am trying to grasp with that change. No one really likes changes and the unknown do we? Especially when everything seemed like it was going fine, going good. and when things starts crashing down, you realize you cannot deal with it.
This doesn’t just apply to a relationship with some partner, but also, a friend, a family member, a colleague, your passion, or interest. Something or someone you’ve never thought you’ll drift away from.
As someone told me, you feel devastated because you lost your hopes and dreams. And yes you grief.
Just a very random thought I’ve had today. Half drowsy from my flu meds.