Sunday, August 28, 2016

August going September

Holy shiatttt its going September :O
Can time just hold up?

Been so long since I've updated this personal space heh. Recording my random thoughts down here once in a while, for myself, hahahah
1 September 2016 marks the first year anniversary of working in KP. Work life hasn't actually been mundane, in actual fact, quite an emotional rollercoaster. Why so?? I guess things are just more happening hahahaha and dealing with so many people throughout the past year.
Hmm, I'm not saying I'm a workaholic though, nothing like that LOL. But I guess I have to chill with my thoughts and take things easy, easier said than done, though I always say I do.
So many things to do, so little time, so little money!
Treasure all the little things that happen every single day. And try to put an positive attitude forward, bcuz what's the point of feeling negative, honestly.
Don't have to impress everybody also, just do what's best for yourself and in the right way.

Idk what's there to come in the next year. Take it step by step as always.
Pic from Tai Dong, Taiwan as of August 2016. 
Dont even bother posting pics here anymore cuz so many pictures, so little time hahaha

(WTSHIT the last time i posted was one year ago??? I died)